We offer a variety of desserts for kids or the kid at heart!
Below is a list of just some of our most popular kid friendly desserts and flavors.
Scroll down for photos. Please visit our “How To Order” page for order requirements and options.
For a complete list of flavors and desserts, additional pricing and/or more information email [email protected] and we will get back to you promptly or call (424)359-9796 (be sure to leave a voicemail) :
Cake Cones- ($3.75 ea.) Your favorite cake flavor baked in an ice cream cone topped with frosting. This pseudo ice cream cone can be decorated with sprinkles, edible glitter, an edible straw and/or colors to suit your theme. Cake cones are offered in our special kids flavors or in non alcoholic versions of our alcoholic cupcake flavors. For a complete list of flavors see our “Non Alcoholic” tab and “Cupcakes” tab on our main page.
Whoopie Pies– Can be made large($3.25) or small ($2.25). Available in Rootbeer Float, Coke Float and CreamSoda.
Twinkies– ($3.25 ea.)Our version of the Hostess Twinkie can be made in a large variety of unique flavors complete with matching cream filling.
Bite size cupcakes– ($1.25 ea.) These tiny sized cupcakes are perfect for tiny sized fingers and are the perfect portion for those looking to limit their sugar intake. They offer a taste of cake without the huge sugar rush. Offered in a large variety of flavors.
Mini Cupcakes– ($2.50 ea.) A step up in size from bite sized, mini cupcakes are great size for little ones offering the perfect amount of cake without over doing it. They are available in our non alcoholic kids flavors as well as virgin versions of our alcoholic flavors.
Standard Cupcakes– ($3.50 ea.)The average adult size cupcakes comes in a large variety of flavors and can be colored to fit your theme. Available in virgin versions of our alcoholic flavors as well as our kids flavors.
Specialty Cakes- We offer a variety of custom order cakes in different sizes. Cakes are available in nearly 40 flavors. For more info, pricing and photos visit https://www.wasteddesserts.com/cakes/ or email [email protected] and we will get back to you promptly or
Vitamin Wasted Cupcakes/Desserts-Many of our desserts can be made vitamin fortified or with nutrient dense, organic, super foods. Email [email protected] for flavors, info and pricing.
Cake Balls and Cake Pops– ($3.25 ea.)Your favorite non alcoholic Wasted Cake rolled up into a ball and coated in either white or dark chocolate. More fun than truffles, also comes on a stick.
Specialty Party Favors– We can provide a little boxed piece of edible art the kids can take home with them for either mini or standard sized cupcakes and other desserts. Email for options [email protected]
- Cake Cones
- Whoopie Pies
- Pumpkin Twinkies
- Twinkies
- Bite Size Cupcakes
- Vanilla Wasted and Chocolate Wasted standard cupcakes
- Specialty Cakes
- Rootbeer Float (an original flavor)
- Creamsoda (a Wasted original flavor)
- Vanilla Sugar Cookie Dough
- Vitamin Fortified desserts
- Cake Pops and Cake Balls
- Cupcake Party Favors
- Cupcake Party Favors
- Customized pink Peanut Butter Cup standard size cupcakes
- Customized Cupcakes