We offer a variety of deliciously buzz worthy alcoholic and non alcoholic desserts for every occasion. We try our best to satisfy all dessert and flavor requests so if what you want isn’t listed, let us know and we may be able to make it for you. For order requirements and options, please visit our “How To Order” page.
For all other inquiries and a complete list of our desserts, email [email protected] or call (424)359-9796 (be sure to leave a voicemail) Click on each photo below. Once you click on the photo be sure to scroll down for more info.
- Cakes from $85-120 please see our “Cakes” page (Chocolate Martini Cake Pictured)
- Cupcake Cakes starting at $55 House, $65 Top Shelf Please see our “Cakes” page.
- Wasted Alcoholic “Twinkies” $42 dozen (3.50 ea)
- Wasted Alcoholic Donuts- $30 a dozen, Pictured Lemon Drop Martini Donuts
- Wasted Alcoholic Whoopie Pies $30 a dozen
- Cake Balls $39 dozen (3.25 ea)
- Cake Pops $42 dozen (3.50 ea)
- Ice Cream (Contact us for pricing)
- Wasted Pudding (Contact us for pricing)
- Wasted Alcoholic Pies (Contact us for pricing)
- Wasted Alcoholic Brownies $45 a dozen
- Wasted Cheesecakes
- Wasted Cookies